What makes a good dog fight map? - Printable Version

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What makes a good dog fight map? - mandrill7 - 18.05.2009

Since I do not fly on line, I am not familiar with what makes a good df map. I presume that the map should be relatively small with a reduced # of objects to reduce loading times.

Can anyone give me any further advice??

How large should a df map ideally be?

- Baco1170 - 18.05.2009

Interesting features, and terrein, variety of landscapes and an intermediat distance between opposing sides. But most specially, lots fo ground targets to fight for (nothing to do with map mking thow...).

- Thrud - 18.05.2009

depends on a few factors. Consider these when building

1. # of expected players
- smaller player amounts mean smaller map size or flight times
2. historical reenactment vs fantasy
- plane sets, accurate "entered service" dates, theater accurate planes/weapons
3. attention span of the player
- air quake vs structured, organized attempts at mission goals
4. the amount of AA fire (type of - 88mm v 20mm) and ship rate of fire
- too much can make a mission goal impossible to achieve.
- too much can impact system performance

the most important thing....know the kind of players your building for.

- Saburo Sakai - 18.05.2009

If you are going to make a new map, one with deep winding canyons and valley's to drag people into, you know, the kind that in places is so tight you would have to knife edge to get through, like a maze... Smile

- NathanielGreene - 18.05.2009

Lots of detail and target variety with an epic mission situation that stays playable over a long period of time.

- chas1963 - 18.05.2009

I would agree with almost everything posted here...but i might add just one "over-all" factor that I always consider when choosing maps to "play-in". Does it feel real...despite the cool mountains and craggy beaches, and improved ground textures (targets, buildings and roads) I always look for "life", craftsmanship...whatever you want to call it...I know it when I see it.

- Hellzone - 19.05.2009

Strategic options. Smile

- Friendly_flyer - 19.05.2009

As well as the points mentioned above, I'd lik eto ad suitable size and a variety of airfields. The largest maps are better suited for campaigns, I find dogfights work best on the "large small maps", like the Burma map.