Berlin.ini - Grom29 - 24.06.2009
I have a problems when loading missions with Berlin.ini
Please can someone upload this Berlin.ini file, beacause I have a lots of mods and
I dont want to set this all again
Please upload
Thanks very much
- JG3_VonHahn - 24.06.2009
i don
bERLIN.INI - Grom29 - 24.06.2009
I think is in MAPS
look please
- JG3_VonHahn - 24.06.2009
In MAPS I only have the all.ini, were all maps are listed, and some other text documents, but not for the maps themselves like berlin, crimea and so on.
In MAPS in the Berlin Folder I have only a modified load.ini
but I could think your problem is a defect load.ini, if you delet your Berlin Folder in MAPS, the game should use its own, not modded (and so extracted) Version and all should work properly.
Try this out
JG3 Von hahn - Grom29 - 26.06.2009
NO !!!!!
I deleted and I was trown out from program
This wont work
Now I delete Berlin in MAP folder
Please upload yours Berlin. I need load.ini from Berlin
Please upload it
- JG3_VonHahn - 26.06.2009
wait, you deleted something when you were running th program?
You need only a load.ini, if you use a "modded" berlin, what means texture update. Fill your load ini with this: it is set up by vp-media
ColorMap = map_c.tga
HeightMap = map_h.tga
SmallMap = map_M.tga
TypeMap = map_T.tga
FarMap = map_F.tga
ReflMap = map_R.tga
LandLight = LandLight.mat
CloudShadows = CloudShadows.mat
;DECLIN = 43
Down = Cube_bott.tga
East = Cube_right.tga
North = Cube_front.tga
South = Cube_back.tga
Up = Cube_top.tga
West = Cube_left.tga
Wood0 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood0.tga
Wood1 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood1.tga
Wood2 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood2.tga
Wood3 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood3.tga
Wood4 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood4.tga
WoodMask2 = forest/summer/ForestMask.tga
WoodMask3 = forest/summer/ForestMask2.tga
WoodMiniMasks = forest/summer/MiniMask.tga
SideWood = forest/summer/ForestSide.tga
HighClouds = sk_Clouds256.tga
HighCloudsNoise = sk_CloudsNoise.tga
Moon = Moon\Moon0000.tga
ShadeNoise = land/Noise.tga
WaterNoise = water/WaterNoise.tga
WaterNoiseAnimStart = Water/Animated/WaterNoise00.tga
ForestNoise= forest/summer/ListForestNoise.tga
BeachFoam = water/Foam.tga
BeachSurf = water/BeachSurf.tga
BeachLand = water/RiverLand.tga
Tree0 = Trees\AlteredBush8a.tga
TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga
Water = water/Water.tga
Rail = land/summer/sk_Rail
Road = land/summer/Road
Highway = land/summer/sk_Highway
LowLand0 = land/summer/rom_fields_MidLand0.tga //GermanFields1.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/rom_fields_MidLand1.tga //GermanFields1.tga
LowLand2 = land/summer/Berlin_greyway.tga, -2
LowLand3 =
MidLand0 = land/summer/rom_LowLand0.tga //land/summer/midland.tga
MidLand1 = land/summer/LowLand_1.tga,2
MidLand2 = land/summer/sk_LowLand0.tga //LowLand_2.tga
MidLand3 = land/summer/rom_fields_MidLand3.tga //GermanFields2.tga
Mount0 = land/summer/rom_swamps2.tga,2 //midland.tga
Mount1 =
Mount2 =
Mount3 =
Country0 = land/summer/rom_Dcountry.tga
Country1 = land/summer/rom_Dcountry.tga
Country2 = Italy_DF/land/summer/factory_dry.tga
Country3 = land/summer/rom_factory.tga
City0 = land/summer/vp_DownCity.tga
City1 = land/summer/rom_MidCity.tga
City2 = land/summer/rom_CenterCity.tga
City3 =
AirField0= land/summer/rom_air_fields_0.tga
AirField1= land/summer/Berlin0.tga,-2
AirField2= land/summer/Berlin1.tga,-2
AirField3= land/summer/Berlin2.tga,-2
Wood0 = land/summer/sk_LowLand0.tga
Wood1 =
Wood2 = forest/summer/sk_ForestFar.tga
Wood3 =
Water0 = water/water.tga
Water1 = water/water.tga
Water2 = water/rom_CoastLine1.tga
Water3 = water/Beach.tga
This are other textures than the defaults. It uses now slovakia textures, so it may nit run under 4.08modded.
And check you all.ini There should be this line:
Berlin Berlin/load.ini
what this means is:
the first berlin is the name shown ingame
after the space it says the path into the map
Thanks - Grom29 - 26.06.2009
Thank you very much for this help
I will go set this up now
I will report you my discussion