Trouble With Custom Car Column - Printable Version

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Trouble With Custom Car Column - Boris The Spider - 13.07.2009

I was trying to make a custom US Scout Car Column but once done I suffered a CTD at 70%. When I removed the lines the game starts fine.

Here is what I tried to make-

In the chief.ini file (C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects) I added the following lines:

moveType VEHICLE
USAScoutColumn ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat

the column makeup-
WillisMB_US ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat
WillisMB_US ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat
M8_Greyhound ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat
WillisMB_US ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat
WillisMB_US ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat
M8_Greyhound ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat
WillisMB_US ai.ground.ChiefGround 1 icons/car.mat

This is representative of actual US armor/artillery forward scout patrols.

So, here are my questions...

1. Have I made an obvious error in naming or column makeup?
2. Can I not put the Greyhound in a column?
3. Is it possible to alter the default speed of any of the vehicles via the .SFS extractor? (if default vehicle speed is the issue?)
4. If possible to alter the default speeds does anyone know which .SFS file the vehicles are found in?

If this is not possible...Cest la Vie.

Thanks in advance for any help.

- Guest - 13.07.2009

i've had similar issues in the past. hopefully someone like fabianfred will be along presently with the definitive answer. i'm sure he mentioned some time back that certain vehicles do not work in columns.which ones, i don't know... :-?
as for the default speeds, i've always been under the impression that you can alter them in the ini files - chiefs.ini, i think.... :?:
i've had crashes with altering vehicle presumably my way of doing it is wrong.... 8)

- Boris The Spider - 13.07.2009

I once tried (pre-mod days) to alter speeds by altering the speed parameter in the .mis file but when I re-started the game they re-set.
From what I can discern the chief.ini file does not address vehicle/ship speed and the technics.ini file only address munitions ROF, armor thickness and number of hits for various kinds of damage.

Thanks anyway for the response.

- fabianfred - 13.07.2009

Yes... certain vehicle cause a CTD when trying to add them to columns....perhaps the M8 Greyhound is one of them...try to replace it with the M6 half-track and see if it works OK

speeds for vehicles... I don't know....if they're not in the Technics.ini then sorry.....I'm lost too

just technics.ini there are these details for tanks...maybe other vehicles too

// Moving
SoundMove models.Tank
StayWhenFire 1
SpeedAverage 17.0
SpeedMax 30.0
SpeedBack 5.0
RotSpeedMax 45.0 // ??
RotInvisAng 36.0
BestSpace 15.0
AfterCollisionDist 5.1
CommandInterval 1.6
StayInterval 1.5

Bestspace is distance between vehicles when in column
Aftercollision dist is probably how far back the recoil after a collision

peed average and speedmax look likely thing to play with....

I alter these settings like this,.........

SpeedAverage 24.0 //17.0 ...this leaves the default data unused but there for reference

- Guest - 13.07.2009

thanks for that info, fabianfred!
i've also been wanting to adjust some of the default ship speeds - is that data also likely to be in technics.ini, or maybe ships.ini?

ps...sorry for semi-hijacking your initial thread, Boris! :giveup:

- fabianfred - 13.07.2009

Technics ini for the original Il2 ships....ships.ini for the newer ones which came with pacific-Fighters