Fotos of FW-189, crew, cockpit etc. - Printable Version

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Fotos of FW-189, crew, cockpit etc. - I/JG27_Waggel - 18.07.2009 ... p?t=158341

- Ectoflyer - 18.07.2009

Great find! Very very interesting. Thank you for sharing it!

- Guest - 18.07.2009

WOW!!!!! Confusedhock:

Beautifully shot pictures.

- max_thehitman - 19.07.2009

This is an extremely great find! Thanks very much! Big Grin

- Username - 19.07.2009

In the colour pictures there are three shots of a rather strange funeral ceremony. Everyone looks jovial and they are burning a man-sized coffin in front of a He 111. Wonder what that was about?