Help need: mesh3do/humans/paratroopers/russia/mono.sim ERROR - MrGoldfinger - 11.08.2009
Hi all!
I have a stupid error at my il2... :
This message comes, I think: if I build missions more than 8+ aircrafts.
And this error comes only from time to time- and the mission do not run.
I need help from a IL2specialist!
Please help me to eliminate this problem...
- bohr-r - 11.08.2009
Hi Mr. Goldfinger,
I had the same message many times, mostly in regard to missions on the Philippines and Korea maps. I have asked the same question in the forums, but so far, none of the many suggestions I received really worked to get rid of the problem. I checked the affected .mis files, but they don't contain anything about paratroopers, Russian or otherwise.
I would be interested in the advice you receive.
Good luck,
- crazydog - 11.08.2009
I have the same problem,I think this is because your PC have no enough RAM, my PC have 1G DDR400 RAM, and I try to copy the whol game to another PC which have 4G DDR2 800 RAM,the korea map runs well.
- MrGoldfinger - 12.08.2009
Thank you for answers. I think the RAM-reason can be possible, too...
or perhaps have somebody an other idea?
- Jimdandy - 30.08.2009
well not sure, I have 8 gigs of system memory,and a 4870X2 gig video and sometimes get this error.
- Csocso - 31.08.2009
Same here, getting this error with 4 gigs of memory...
You guys all have ATI cards, right?
- Csocso - 31.08.2009
Looks like the trick is to:
Run IL2Setup, select CUSTOM settings, and set the texture compression to S3TC!
It worked for me.
I hope it's going to work for you too.
Thank you - jfloren - 31.08.2009
Thank you.
The paratroopers error message...almost had me Institutionalized.
Another fix is .......... - Flying H - 31.08.2009
Run the AAA UI 1.1.1 again that made
my day!
- flipp_coin - 05.09.2009
Flying H
this UI 1.1.1.... can you post a link to it, to make it sure which mod-download it actualy is.
by the way: I would like this mods to be named including a "date stamp"
Flip_Coin alias StickN