The Jerries have stolen the TOWERS !! (Canons Channel map) - Printable Version

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The Jerries have stolen the TOWERS !! (Canons Channel map) - ArthurVince - 29.09.2009

[Image: 744160762_6_6UY0.jpeg]

So ive made some NEW Radar Towers just like in Canon's Beta Channel Map...

[Image: 745817444_6_RXwf.jpeg]

But my question is offcourse, what must i do to have the 2 Reciever pieces of the Radar Towers in the Great CHANNEL Map from CanonUK visible?

(Ive also have the AAA Com mod 1.1 installed, and using the static.ini from Saburo Sakai )

Inthe static.ini there are 2 groups , British Radar Masts, and in Canon's Objects.

Title British_Radar_Masts

Title Receiver
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Receiver/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Receiver/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 0.12

Title TransmiterTower
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter1/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter1/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 0.12

Title TransmiterPlatforms
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 0.12

Title Canons_Misc_Objects

Title RadarTower
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Receiver/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Receiver/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 20.12

Title RadarTower
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter1/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter1/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 40.12

Title RadarTower
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 40.12
I have changed the names to example:

Title RadarTower_Transmitter2
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 40.12

etc, but no succes, only the receiver is visible, but in Objects list all the 3 pieces are visible, but not when you put them on the map..
Also 3 maps are in MODS/Objectsmap/3do/Buildings and in MODS/CanonUK_Objects/3do/Buildings

HOW CAN I MAKE THEM VISIBLE, CAUSE the Cranes are to ugly...

Greets ArthurVince

- Guest - 29.09.2009

I can't help you, but what skins are those? Wink

- EasyRider - 29.09.2009

It does not matter having double entries in your static.ini,it just makes them available in the FMB in two spots while scrolling through the objects.
I just used the "CANEnglishChannel_static.ini_checker" tool ,here are the result's>
No objects missing in your static.ini

No irregulary entry found

Doubled entrys in your static.ini
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$AirdromeMaskingnet4
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$AirdromeMaskingnet6
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$FurnitureSandbag_Wall2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$FurnitureSandbags_Round2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Receiver
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Transmiter1
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Transmiter2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$ladder

You can see I have two double entries for the towers reciever and trnasmiters 1 and 2
as well a few nets ,sandbags and a ladder.

I am on the UI 1.1 patched to UI 1.11
I have the Objects_Installer_1.0 Mod available here at AAA for all my add-on mods needed then tested,
Then the Road mod and static info then test,
I then added Canon's object folder ,map and _Tex folders to appropriate places,
and then added Canon's all.ini info to my all.ini and his static.ini info to the static.ini that comes with the Objects_Installer_1.0 Mod

[Image: grab0000.jpg]

- coatesy75 - 29.09.2009

i have no legs i post it on the 20 sep static.ini checked out . is the same as EasyRiders
No objects missing in your static.ini

No irregulary entry found

Doubled entrys in your static.ini
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$AirdromeMaskingnet4
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$AirdromeMaskingnet6
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$FurnitureSandbag_Wall2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$FurnitureSandbags_Round2
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Receiver
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Transmiter1
Double entry in your Static.ini: House$RadarTower_Transmiter2

but my legs are missing ?

- boogabooga - 29.09.2009

The radar legs have been invisible since they came out in the UI. To get them to show, put an airfield campfire nearby and, if you wish, hide it in a tent or something.

- coatesy75 - 29.09.2009

got it thanks m8 Big Grin we just need it on QMB now Big Grin

- ArthurVince - 30.09.2009

Where can i find it?

The Objects_installer_1.0 mod ? Link please?

- canonuk - 30.09.2009

I think there's something wrong with the UI Radar towers.

Add the ones I included in my download, and add the lines to the static.ini, and they'll show. Delete the UI entries for them.


- coatesy75 - 30.09.2009

have one game up and runing with airfield campfire , now ,
(Add the ones I included in my download, and add the lines to the static.ini, and they'll show)_ witch is your download ?Joe and ill put it in my 2nd game
thanks Big Grin

- EasyRider - 30.09.2009

ArthurVince Wrote:Where can i find it?

The Objects_installer_1.0 mod ? Link please?

I just contacted the guy that had the object installer out there and he has since pulled the download
so there is no object mod installer anymore.


- ArthurVince - 01.10.2009

Ok thanks guys,

Ive delete the lines into the static.ini : British Radar Masts etc..
Ive got only this now:

Title Canons_Misc_Objects

Title BlankAirPlate
Mesh 3do/Buildings/Russia/Piter/Kotlin/airplate/live.sim

Title RadarTower
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Receiver/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Receiver/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 20.12

Title RadarTower
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter1/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter1/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 40.12

Title RadarTower
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/RadarTower_Transmiter2/dead.sim
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 40.12

Title Chain_Home_Receiver
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/receiver/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/receiver/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body RockBig
Panzer 2.50

Title Needles
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Needles/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Needles/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body WoodMiddle
Panzer 2.1

Title Airdrome_Maskingnet4
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Maskingnet4/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Maskingnet4/dead.sim
AddHeightLive 3.1
AlignToLand 0
Body WoodSmall // FIXME: need special type 'Cloth'
Panzer 0.0001

Title Airdrome_Maskingnet6
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Maskingnet6/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Airdrome/Maskingnet6/dead.sim
AddHeightLive 6.0
AlignToLand 0
Body WoodSmall // FIXME: need special type 'Cloth'
Panzer 0.0001

Delete also the 3 maps into Objectsmap, ive got only the 3 maps in the CanonUK_Objects..
But still NO radar towers in missions.
I see them into the Objects lists, but when i wanna place them on the map still invisible...

The names in the static.ini are OK ??

greets art

- coatesy75 - 01.10.2009

put an airfield campfire by them and thay will show up . ok Big Grin im ok now

- coatesy75 - 01.10.2009

search ,airfield campfire ok Big Grin

- ArthurVince - 01.10.2009

Coatesy75 Thanks man, thats fixed the hidden towers !!!
Strange when you put a Campfire into a building close to the towers, they appears...BINGO!!...TADA !! It's MAGIC !!

- coatesy75 - 01.10.2009

good your up and runing ok m8 Big Grin keep flying