Help me!!! - Printable Version

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Help me!!! - stefano - 22.10.2009

I have a problem, I noticed one thing today, load the map to the FMB, see the bridges and magic numbers, but the thing I like is the red on those Freccione airports, does anyone know what causes this phenomenon? :???:
And I can corregir? :???:
Thanks in advance :wink:

[Image: grab0000.jpg]

- 8FS_Bulau - 22.10.2009

It comes from ZUTI DSMod. You no like?

- Saburo Sakai - 22.10.2009

When you have the FMB mod enabled it shows this in the FMB. shows where the runways start and finish and direction of take off

- 8FS_Bulau - 22.10.2009

DSMod does this also, even if FMB is disabled.

- jak24610 - 22.10.2009

I wouldnt want my il2 game to have red arrows pointing at noting when im flying.. Smile

- fabianfred - 22.10.2009

only visible in FMB...not when flying

- stefano - 23.10.2009

It Fabianfred, in fact flying I have never noticed, but if the establishment of missions do not create problems, and even longer for help, leave everything as it is' :wink: :lol: