English Channel Map QMB problem - jont122 - 16.11.2009
Have used the Beta Map and the New (Excellent) Full English Channel Map
Have a slight problem with QMB
If I select 1 aircraft (Your Flight) for my mission, when the program loads all I can see is a view of the English channel at about eye level? With me just above the channel, if I use CTRL or Shift I can see airfraft of both sides English and German.
But if I change my aircraft group (Your Flight)to 3 or more Everything is okay?
What am I doing wrong?
- Vpmedia - 20.11.2009
the problem is in your *.mis file, the player is probably attached to the wrong plane in the wrong flight or missing
I use the Channel40 map as example:
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\QMBPlus\Missions\Quick\ChannelBlueAirbase00.mis
MAP CAN_Channel/CAN_40_load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 0
CloudHeight 1000.0
player g0100 this is missing imho, add this line and it will work
army 2
playerNum 0
if your flights are named differently you'll have problems, they must be r0100/101/102/103 or g0100/101/102/103!
You got two options, you can edit the files with FMB (after copying them into missions subfolder) or just open them with notepad and see whats missing.
Sidenote: Same goes for scripted campaigns, player can spawn in a wrong flight (especially with mods since it made all ac flyable) if not the highest rank is selected (imho the 4.09m patch should fixed these type of key errors in the game).
- jont122 - 24.11.2009
Thanks for the reply, Will try your suggestions.
One thing though is, this happens when I create a mission (on the main screen) and not a loaded mission?
Is it still the *.mis file, if so where abouts is, the file I need to ammend?
- jont122 - 05.02.2010
Still cannot get this to work in QMB?
Still start in the water?
Can anybody shed any light on this matter?
- jont122 - 17.02.2010
Sorted problem, I uninstalled the mod then re-installed it, know its fine.