A complete noobs question ( Windows 7 and IL-2 1946 ) - Deathsight - 09.03.2010
So, I'm now trying to play the game on Windows 7, but I just can't get it to play, it's the first time I try this on a Windows 7, until now I was using an old Windows XP in a dual boots way yet with the XP I couldn't play online, can anyone help me out with this problem ??
Please pretty please with sugar on top :
- Helrza - 10.03.2010
Look in your c:/program files/ubisoft/il2 sturmovik 1946 folder (this is the standard installation location), and find the il2fb.exe. right click and choose properties in the drop down box. In the new window that opens, click on the compatability tab. under the heading compatability mode, tick the checkbox "Run this program in compatability mode:" and select "windows vista". Also tick the checkbox "Run this program as an administrator"
hopefully this will gte u runing mate
- Deathsight - 10.03.2010
Nope, it's not running, I tried both Vista, and Vista Service Pack 2 to get it running but beyond that it just won't start. :bumbed
- Helrza - 10.03.2010
well that sux :evil: u try any of the other compatabilities?
i had the same problem when i 1st installed win7 and il2, changing the compatability worked for me
another thing worth giving a go would be to move the ubisoft folder into the c:/ on its own.
sorry i couldnt be any more helpfull mate, if i can think of anything else ill let ya know
im sure one of the other blokes in here might have better idea's
- katkatman - 10.03.2010
I'm running under Win7 x64 and I'm using only the "run as an administrator", and its running well.
- aviatorsneah - 10.03.2010
One of three things should get it working:
1) Run as administrator
2) Re-install it in a directory other than program files(x86) - I installed mine in a new folder, c:/programs/
3) Just turn UAC off - this is up to you tho - i turned mine off finally because I got sick of dealing with it. "Never needed it before, don't need it now."
- Deathsight - 10.03.2010
Still no positive results right now, but I think I tried the ways you told me about it, I'm starting to wonder if my disk happens to be defective in some way, if such is the case, I'll possibly have to buy a new one.
Are there still more possibilities on making this thing working ?? Because I'm now starting to think I'd be better off with using my old XP again in a dual boote fascion, which still leaves me frustrated about this problem.
- HH_Harley - 10.03.2010
Run it as administrator, and WIN XP version 2 compatibility. Do not run it with vista comp, it won't do anything. Same thing goes for hyperlobby.
- lord_lucifer - 10.03.2010
Try to reinstall driver for your graphics card. Do not use microsoft ones, use driver directly from your chip vendor.
And try to install DirextX redistributable, maybe it helps.
http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS- ... able.shtml
- Sakai07 - 10.03.2010
I am confused with peoples inability to run IL2 in Win7. I installed mine into Program Files (x86) and it runs like a charm, even with UP2.0 installed. Maybe not all windows are created equal?
- Deathsight - 10.03.2010
Sakai07 Wrote:I am confused with peoples inability to run IL2 in Win7. I installed mine into Program Files (x86) and it runs like a charm, even with UP2.0 installed. Maybe not all windows are created equal?
Yeah, it also lets me wondering about it too, my previous computer was a custom made with XP and I never had trouble with it over IL-2 1946, but now it gives me a serious headache, I'm probably will gear it up with a duel boot way, back with my good old XP.
lord_lucifer Wrote:Try to reinstall driver for your graphics card. Do not use microsoft ones, use driver directly from your chip vendor.
And try to install DirextX redistributable, maybe it helps.
http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS- ... able.shtml
My computer wasn't a custom type bought piece by piece, it was only made in a factory, just the average factory made computer.
HH_Harley Wrote:Run it as administrator, and WIN XP version 2 compatibility. Do not run it with vista comp, it won't do anything. Same thing goes for hyperlobby.
Already tried it, just failed too.
Plantoid 1 - 10.03.2010
Has your computer got some type of virus protection or other security software that was installed at the factory? Just another idea...
Great days all.
- Deathsight - 10.03.2010
Plantoid 1 Wrote:Deathsight:
Has your computer got some type of virus protection or other security software that was installed at the factory? Just another idea...
Great days all.
I think something like this would be possible, at least it came out with a Norton already installed when I originally bought it.
The designs happen to be something like
Pavillion Elite from Hewlett Packard
Serial number e9107c or something like that, the biggest problem with it happens to be that vista royally sucks.
- skarden - 11.03.2010
This thread helped me,hopefully it'll work for you too.
- Deathsight - 11.03.2010
I give up on using it on Windows 7, time for me to set my good ol' Windows XP, already found the original disk I used when my previous computer, ( which is now in the scrapp ) was still working
It'll just make it more simple that way for the time being. :giveup:
Still, I so much would've liked it a lot better if those guys on microsoft had been more careful on the PC games users. :thumbdown:
The advice is still appreciated from you guys.