IL-2 1946 4.09 SAS Custom Install Modding Guide - Printable Version

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IL-2 1946 4.09 SAS Custom Install Modding Guide - Guest - 04.05.2010

IL-2 1946 4.09 SAS Custom Install Modding Guide by Verhängnis

First of all welcome to SAS, AAS and IL-2- SAS

The resulting modded game you get from this will work offline only but however only your planes will not work online but your effects etc still will.



1. Install IL-2 1946 successfully on your computer. (Should be 4.07m, start up game and look in lower left corner.)

For those with the Digital Download of the Sim then you will need this fix:
Digital Download Fix
Now continue to step 2 then skip step 3 as this fix is prepatched to 4.08 and continue the rest of the guide from step 4.

2. Create another copy so as to avoid possible problems later.

3. Download the 4.08 Patch and Install: (Destination Folder: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07) (Should be something like that.)

4. Download the 4.09 Patch and Install (Choose from one of these mirrors): (Destination Folder: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07) (Should be something like that.)
4.09 (Deutsch)
4.09 (Nederland)
4.09 (Deutsch)

5. Test to see if the game is the correct version and that it works. If so then proceed.

6. Before you can use any mods, you need to download and install the SAS Mod Activator.
Mod Activator

7. Select the following items in the Download.
They are:
1) a folder called "MODS"
2) a folder called "FILES"
3) a file called Files.SFS
4) an exe Called Il2fb.exe
5) a dll called wrapper.dll
6) a folder called "DGen"
7) a folder called "Missions"
Drag (or copy) them all into your IL2 Sturmovik 1946 folder.
A dialog will appear warning you about folder replacement. Select "Yes to all"
And then you are done!
8. Test to see if the now modded game works: Start up game and look in lower left corner, it should now say 4.09m and on the right side it will say SAS Mod Activator V2.
If it works fine then proceed.
9. Download this Buttons
and place the buttons file in here (C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07\MODS\STD\gui) and overwrite the other one.
10. Congratulations, you are now ready to install new planes, Effects and whatever else you want!

Installing your first Aircraft:


For the Brits we have the wonderful Spitfire Mk I!

1. First of all download the Spitfire MKI and open up the download and open the MODS folder in it and you will see the SpitMKI folder there, drag and drop that into your MODS folder. ( C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07\MODS)

2. Navigate to your Air.ini and right click and open it up in notepad or a similar program.
(C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects)

3. Your Air.ini is in alphabetical order and I recommend you keep it that way or otherwise just place this line wherever you want the plane to show up in the plane list: SpitfireMkI air.SPITFIRE1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER

4. Close your Air.ini and save the changes.

5. Read the readme included with the download, most planes come with a planes_ru and weapons_ru lines to add but you don’t have to add these lines if you don’t want to.

6. I think you will figure out what to do with the skins folder which is only needed if you want to add new painstchemes for that plane.

7. If you do want to add those other lines then you will find the files here, open with notepad (C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07\MODS\STD\i18n) , Paint schemes folder located here (C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07\PaintSchemes\Skins) Just create a new folder and call it the specified name, in this case it would be “SpitfireMkI” The name of the skins folder is the same as the first thing for your Air.ini line “SpitfireMkI” air.SPITFIRE1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER



We are now going to install the very best effects mod for better explosions!!! And much, much more!

IL-2 1946 Plutonium Maximum Effects Mod
Plutonium Effects

Adding these effects is very simple and worth it.

1. Download and open the download.
2. Just find the Main folder with all the files in it and just drag and drop the entire folder into your MODS folder and read the readme aswell.

Objects Mod:


Ship Pack 2

Ship Pack is a great example of Installing an Objects Mod which requires adding much lines to the .ini files.

1.Download and open Ship Pack 2.
2.Enter the Mods Folder and Extract the ShipPack folder to your Installations MODS folder.
3.Navigate to C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Copy of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.07\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects.
4.There you will see the .ini files. (If you do not have them for some reason here are the Stock 4.09 .ini files Stock 4.09 .ini Files )
5.In the download go into the folder AddTo Ini and open each ini file and copy the lines to the respective .ini files in your Install.(You must make sure that the "eof" line is at the bottom of the .ini files that have it.)
6.Start your game and if you have installed it correctly then you will have additional ships in game, go into Full Mission Builder and you should see new Categories "Ship Pack" and "Stationary "Ship Pack"
7.If all of this fails to prevail read the Readme included(Read it anyway) and try again.


You will need to download the latest buttons from SAS and if you read the guide properly then you should know where to put them.(You only need to download the Buttons when a new plane is released, if you scroll the page you will find a list that states any changes to the button file, you can also see the version of the buttons in the link.

If you have any problems with your Installation then please post in this thread and I will help you. Thanks!

- Hawker17 - 04.05.2010

Thanks for posting. It describes the steps very clearly. I'm sure it will help a lot of people who want to add mods/planes to the stock 4.09m version.

- Guest - 04.05.2010

Hawker17 Wrote:Thanks for posting. It describes the steps very clearly. I'm sure it will help a lot of people who want to add mods/planes to the stock 4.09m version.

Thanks, it works for me and I did because it's part of my "Give back to the community project" and also because I got tired of answering all the new people and nobody else has really bothered to make a newbie guide for mods with all the new people we get every day. And I hate it when people repeat themselves lol.

- KG64_Cnopicilin - 04.05.2010

Thanks for this. Now the newcomers can use this guide to get easy mod install. Every step included, nice work!

- US_GRANT - 04.05.2010

maybe it should be made into a sticky so it appears at the top of the section instead of getting buried when more posts are added.

- Guest - 04.05.2010

Stickied :newwink:

EDIT_just a reminder that this is for offliners, and for you onliners it is recommended you download a pack like HSFX 4.1 Wink

- TomFF - 04.05.2010

philip.ed Wrote:Stickied :newwink:

EDIT_just a reminder that this is for offliners, and for you onliners it is recommended you download a pack like HSFX 4.1 Wink

Hi, gents!
New guy on the block here, is the method posted at the top of this page
viewtopic.php?t=27658 2, the recommended way for noobs to get up to date with further mods?
I would love to have a basis for the F-86 mod (if available) and like to have some new sounds as well.
I am pretty much happy to run IL-2 1946 at all, because my new rig runs with an ATI 5770 and I had to use some additional files and workarounds in the from the ubi-soft IL-2 forum to get the sim running without terrible graphical bugs.
Looks very decent now.

Sorry, guess you guys read posts like mine about 200 times before.. :lol:

I am a bit short on time these days due to FF testing, but overflew some threads here and have to say the amount of info is
both fantastic and overwhelming for a noob in this place.

Any tip highly appreciated-


- TomFF - 04.05.2010

Thanks a lot, tater718!

In the meantime I tried my best and patched up to HSFX 4.1 and the fixer.
Have one problem left regarding flickering clouds AFTER the last (4.1) mod (no setup changes in the meantime whatsoever) and read 'some' instructions in the "techincal help" section and posted a noob Ati question there.

Look forward to flying this sim again. Lot of trial and error ahead. Amazing modifications, from engine and gun sound to terrain/skies and new flyable aircraft Confusedhock:..:lol: Awesome work here! Great forum..

Greets from Germany


STICKY - Guest - 06.05.2010

WOOT! Congragulations to Myself Big Grin

- Guest - 06.05.2010

Don't get too full of yourself :lol:

- (-battlemaster-) - 10.05.2010

thanks mate

- Guest - 11.05.2010

(-battlemaster-) Wrote:thanks mate

Cheers Big Grin

- GunZeeLad - 14.05.2010

I've done this mod stuff before, but with all these tips, i got back into doing it much easier. i could be a pro with files in less then 10 minutes with your help Verhangnis.

Thanks again. ! Big Grin

- KG64_Cnopicilin - 15.05.2010

BTW you wrote your name wrong in the first sentence.

- Guest - 16.05.2010

Hahaha lol, Thanks, I thought I got all my spelling mistakes.