352ndVFG CCM - Printable Version

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352ndVFG CCM - DBG_Kabayo - 27.05.2010

~S~ All
Just to let you all know that the 352ndVFG Cross Channel Map 1940
is done. It is easy to install because it has an auto installer with it.
However for some reason the auto installer puts the load ini line next to
the last line at the bottom. So you will have to go into your game folder
then to the Mods folder then go into your Modmap folder and edit the all
ini file. All you have to do is just moveit down one line and then save it.
The Map is very well done and looks great. Now those who want to build a
Historical BOB campigan will be able too with this map.
Here is the link:

If I am not to put link then please edit and take link out.
I am just tring to be helpful.

Now I am waiting for their CCM 42-45 map.


- Guest - 27.05.2010

Hello, thanks for this. I have been in contact with Pers to see if we can host it here. The 352nd had an issue with AAA long ago, so this may not be so. Otherwise, if Pers agrees, I'll try and create an official download topic Wink

- Deutschmark - 27.05.2010

Salute ALL hi :wink:

Thank you for the info, the link is fine and ok and if they like
To they welcome to come here and post their map for download as well.

WW1 Project Member.

- P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole - 27.05.2010

This is a brilliant map! :thumbsup:

They'd be most welcome to host it here as well if they want.

- hero - 27.05.2010

Right here goes.....I cant save with this map anyone got any ideas and yes ive already posted over at 352 and beware im an ex sniper and i still retain my 50 , choose your replys very carefully :wink:

- Phas3e - 27.05.2010

same problem here, I cant save and fly on it Sad

- HGuderian - 27.05.2010

Here is the same.
I've found this

"Missing objects in your static.ini:


Anyone knows where I can find these objects?

Thanks a lot

- P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole - 27.05.2010

hmm.. Can't save my mission to bomb tonbridge.. -_-'
thys bee notte alletogethere goode, thoughe noe doubtte ytte bee to doe wyth myne owne uselessness in installing it.

- PB4Tazman - 27.05.2010

I cannot save missions either. The read-me for manual install:

"Manual Installation:

1. Extract the files to a temporary folder.

2. Copy the contents of the "MODS_CCM_Insert" folder to your "\\Mods" folder.

3. Edit the "all.ini" file to include the 352nd_CCM entry.

a. Check the location "\\mods\mapmods\maps" folder for an "all.ini" file.

i. If the file does not exist, copy the all.ini from the temporary folder to the "\\mods\mapmods\maps" folder.

ii. If an "all.ini" file is found, use a text editor (such as notepad.exe) to add the line "352nd_Cross_Channel 352nd_Cross_Channel/load.ini" to the file.

4. Copy the Missions folder to your game directory."

I extracted the .exe, but did not see a folder called "MODS_CCM_Insert" as stated in the read-me. Maybe it has the missing objects we need?

I have tried both in UI and UP 2.0 installs with no luck being able to save.

I registered at their site, but I cannot post there as my application is pending.

Hope someone finds an answer soon, as this map looks great!



- Junkman - 27.05.2010

For manual installation you have to extract the file to a temp folder using winrar. If you merely click on the exe file it will try to install the map. Make sure to read the read me carefully.

- PB4Tazman - 27.05.2010

Thanks Junkman.

Tried that and still not able to save missions. Same contents as when I did the exe to a temp folder.

Incorrect actors.static - Coster - 27.05.2010


I apologize for the error. There is a 'private' actors.static for this map that includes our homebase at Bodney (circa 1943), along with custom objects. During a last minute revision (of course) that actors.static was inserted rather than the 'Community' one.

The corrected file is available. Please download the file and replace the one currently in your \\mods\mapmods\Maps\352nd_Cross_Channel or Files\Maps\352nd_Cross_Channel folder.



Re: Incorrect actors.static - Avatar - 27.05.2010

And I thought I had done something wrong as nothing I did would allow me to save a mission.

Coster Wrote:Gents,

Could you tell us more? Where can we get the correct actors.static? Thanks!

- Phas3e - 27.05.2010

Well I can play the map in the coop but still cant save missions Sad

- Avatar - 27.05.2010

Thanks for the update Coster! Unfortunately, I still can't save any missions. I've tried on two separate installs and it's the same on both despite replacing the actors.static. Sad The first DF mission I also can't find any home base to chose but the 2nd one was fine. Thanks again for this great looking map! Hope to get the remaining kinks out soon.