Map Author Pre-fix list - Printable Version

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Map Author Pre-fix list - EasyRider - 07.06.2010

To prevent new maps from overwriting each other,
you should have a Pre-fix to host a map for public download
- please PM me your prefix and I will add it to this list of names

This is the list that has been developed, and an example of how you may pre-fix your name for new maps
- F_IV ...........Bee

- LAL_ ...........LAL_RONE

- vp_ ............vpmedia

- Git ............._1SMV_Gitano

- CKY ...........CKY_86

- FAC ........... FA_Cheech

- sknk ...........Skunkmeister

- mrz ............ 6S.Maraz

- mkl ............ Mariskal

- LE ............. RAF_Leigh

- LRN ........... lorenai

- ffb ............ fabianfred

- CW ........... ClockWatcher

- It_ ............ 150GCT_Italo

- CAN ............canonuk

- vol ..............Redfox59

- RD ............. RealDarko

- pro_ ........... Prodigy

- Kt .............. kapteeni

- ash_ ...........asheshouse

- TP_ .............Team Pacific

- handy_ ........Handy

- dlc_ .............delco

- MDS_ ......RAF_Magpie

- GJ9_ ...........GerritJ9

- PK_ ...........Panzerkeil

- AP_ ...........autopilot

- tab_ ...........tab_flettner

- dlv_ ...........delvpier

- zip_ ...........zipzapp

- -Cat ...........dunkelgrun

- Jade_ .........Jadehawk

- 2B_ ............2bits

- SP_ ...........Spartan10590

- BtS_ ..........Boris The Spider

- RW32_.........Redwulf__32

- JV69_ .........JV69_BADA

- BP_ ............Boosher&Panzerkeil

- HB_ ............Hispano Belgian team ( RealDarko&delvpier)

- bl_ .............tsb47

- Zuti ...........|ZUTI|

- CAL_ .........Caldrail

- GLDR ..........Glider

- bbm_ ..........bigbossmalone

- crt_ ............cortomaltese

- Mbug_ ........may-bug

- HRt_ ..........ftarquisa

- GW_ ..........GilB57

- CNN_ ..........CONAN

- ER_ ..........EasyRider

- DC_ ..........Dixiecapt

- SWAL_ ......365th_FG_Schwalbe

- kjd_ .........farang65

- 3BG_ ........Korean War Map team

- MrO_ ........MrOblongo

- IJ_ ...........ijeremiah

- NTL_ .......Neil Lowe

-Sal_ .........Salmo

- VKG_ .......viking4570

- Wag ........I/JG27_Waggel

- cztx ........CzechTexan

-Hahn ........JG3_VonHahn

- ag .........agracier

- m7 .........mandrill7

- Ect_ ........Ectoflyer

- _KDP .......kevinp

- Cnopi_ .......KG64_cnopicilin

- Avala .........Avala

- Vin_ .........VinVin

-whc_ ........WhiteCat

- HAJ_ ........ArcticViper

- MAD_ ........Planemad

- p72 ...........porto72

- _redko ......redko



- MAD_ .........planemad

- Wham_ .......EoW_WhamO_CO

- Ace_ .........Ace12541

- fly_Z .........fly_zo



Teams member lists :

- Team Pacific :

Skunkmeister (CO)