Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - Printable Version

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Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - Doolittle81 - 21.07.2010

Is there a 110 skinner willing to do a ZG26 bf110 D-3 skin? Code letters needed are 3U+ST, S yellow just as K is shown in profile and the other depiction below:
[Image: 1103UKTBalkansyesslow.jpg]

[Image: 1103UKTBEST-1.jpg]

If you would like, PM me for further details.

Re: Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - Doolittle81 - 28.07.2010


Actually, what I will need are skins with:
3U+EN Code letters, the E being Red.
3U+FN Code letters, the F being Red
3U+BN Code letters, the B being Red

Anyone able to help out?

Re: Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - Doolittle81 - 18.09.2010

Bump..any help will be appreciated

Re: Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - 102nd-YU-Patak - 09.10.2010

All right, I'll give it a try. But, it will have to wait, have some other things to do here...
In couple of days think.


Re: Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - 102nd-YU-Patak - 15.10.2010

All right, here they are:

[Image: bf110horstwessel.jpg]


Hope u like them Smile

Re: Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - Doolittle81 - 15.10.2010

Fantastic! Thank you Sooo Much! Great job on the skins! Please let me know what name you would like us to use when we do the Credits for the our movie...Branislav Bacic ? [ Ohhh...the fourth skin is 3U+KT, which you did correctly as the skin.]

Re: Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - 102nd-YU-Patak - 15.10.2010

Glad u like them
And, I appreciate you want to add my name for movie credits, and I thank you for that Smile
U can simply write 102nd-YU-Patak Smile

Cheers !

Re: Looking for a bf110 D-3 skin - Doolittle81 - 07.11.2010


Thanks again for the 110 skins...
I have sent you a private message about another skin request...
