MASSIVE Frame Rate Drop in Certain Missions!! - Printable Version

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MASSIVE Frame Rate Drop in Certain Missions!! - mungee - 01.11.2010

I have the following PC:

- Inteli7 CPU 920@2,67 GHz. 2.66GHz
- Windows 7 (64-bit)
- ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 2 GB DDR graphics card

My screen resolution is 1680 x 1050 and my "1946" settings are pretty much all at the max.

On the "Black Death" track I get an average of 63 fps (max 202 and min 9).

My problem is that I've started 2 RAF/BoB campaigns recently and have been fine (no stutters at all and I would imagine v good frame rates) for the first mission or two and then I've come to a mission where my frames almost freeze - I'd guess a 5 or so second delay between each frame!! The 2 campaigns were "Fighter Boys" (I think it was the 4th mission) and "Nine Lives" (the 2nd mission).

In both instances there hasn't been that much activity (I don't think!) on screen, but my mini-map indiactes a lot of enemy aircraft in the vicinity.
It baffles me that my PC can almost come to a grinding halt when it's a reasonably powerful machine (probably by early 2009 standards!).
Has anyone out there got any suggestions?

Re: MASSIVE Frame Rate Drop in Certain Missions!! - caldrail - 02.11.2010

Most of us have experienced the same problem. Partly that's the reality of PC games, in that the more detailed the game is, in terms of a mission, the more work the PC has to do. Also, some things like clouds reduce frame rate a lot. Lastly, modders don't help. Because they tend to want to to impress us with massively detailed textures, they invariably use larger ones and ignore the extra loading and display times these mega-textures require. It's not a new problem, and not confined to Il2, which actually limits the excesses that modders can get up to. You should see the situation in the train simming arena. I see 2048x2048 textures that are basically one colour. Ridiculous.

Re: MASSIVE Frame Rate Drop in Certain Missions!! - katdog5 - 02.11.2010

fear not...check out the tweak guide and get familiar with your confi.ini to maximize your hardware settings. Fireskull and Jinxx have made same incredible posts on how to maximize your performance. Idea