The Spitfire story and Battle of Britain - Printable Version

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The Spitfire story and Battle of Britain - Nadia - 29.11.2011

Only viewed by a few hundred people on U-Tube:, this documentary in four parts
starts up as the story of the spitfire: from a gullwing beast that had the same name ( ! )
up to today's spits survivors still flying, it also contains one the most comprhensive
acount of the battle of briitain as seen by the very pilots who were there...
...just when you think you know everything about it, you can learn and see even more...

Spitfire Power, Grace and Glory Part I to IV: ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related

enjoy !

Re: The Spitfire story and Battle of Britain - Hawker17 - 30.11.2011

Great movies, thanks a lot for sharing!

Re: The Spitfire story and Battle of Britain - LeBigTed - 30.11.2011

Yes ;o)

Thanks a lot ;o)


Re: The Spitfire story and Battle of Britain - Nadia - 30.11.2011

..thks you both LeBigTed and Hawker17... for this positive feedback :Smile)

Appreciated it...

I think the entire story is quite well told, in just about an hour... ( 4 x 15min )
with unusual technical and historical details. :mrgreen: