[Download] Bf109E-4, Adolf Summer, Stab./JG26, 1940 - Printable Version
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[Download] Bf109E-4, Adolf Summer, Stab./JG26, 1940 - 9/JG54_EZ - 02.04.2012
Apparently this poor fellow (Adolf Summer) had to belly land his plane in 1940.
Click here to download it
Enjoy the skin
by EZ
Re: [Download] Bf109E-4, Adolf Summer, Stab./JG26, 1940 -
Deutschmark - 04.04.2012
This is also a very nice looking skin.
Thank you.
Re: [Download] Bf109E-4, Adolf Summer, Stab./JG26, 1940 - 9/JG54_EZ - 30.04.2012
Glad you like it Deutschmark, though this skin has recieved the least amount of feedback (here, and at my other postings).. Perhaps because of the odd markings? Who knows.
Well, in attempts to show off this skin, I asked an artist by the name of TarJak to help me "advertise" it. He did such a good job, I think I might have to pay him heh. It's gorgeous isn't it?
You can find other fine artworks of TarJak's, here -->
http://airwarfare.com/sow/index.php?opt ... Itemid=253
Re: [Download] Bf109E-4, Adolf Summer, Stab./JG26, 1940 - LeBigTed - 30.04.2012
Hi EZ,
Hell yeah ! It's Gorgeous !!!
Thannks for sharing ;o)
I'll see its website right now..
ZOOoomm.... :mrgreen: