[Download] SkinPack[x14] Mk-I Hurricane of 249 Squadron.1940 - Printable Version

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[Download] SkinPack[x14] Mk-I Hurricane of 249 Squadron.1940 - checkmysix - 04.06.2012

Hi Guys
Here is Skin Pack for Mk-I Hurricane for 249 Squadron which operated from
Boscombe Down until 14th of August 1940.
The Squadron then transferred to North Weald on the 1st of September 1940.
12 Skins have individual Aircraft Codes and Serial codes and 2 Blank one with White Prop Hub and one With Black Hub.
Have fun

[Image: 249SsHurricanes1.jpg]
[Image: 249SqHurricaneNicholson.jpg]

Click on Images Below to Re-Size to the correct 2048 x 2048 dimensions then Copy and Paste into the appropriate skin folder
[Image: Blank_with_White_Prop.jpg]
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[Image: Blank_with_Black_Prop.jpg]
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[Image: GN_A_Flt_Off_J_B_Nicholson.jpg]
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[Image: GN_C_Plt_Off_R_G_A_Barclay.jpg]
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[Image: GN_F_Plt_Off_T_F_Ginger_Neil.jpg]
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[Image: GN_H_Plt_Off_P_R_F_Burton.jpg]
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[Image: GN_J_Sqdrn_Ldr_J_Grandy.jpg]
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[Image: GN_L_Plt_Off_J_R_B_Meaker.jpg]
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[Image: GN_O_Flt_Off_P_H_V_Wells.jpg]
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[Image: GN_R_Plt_Off_A_G_Lewis.jpg]
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[Image: GN_Y_Flt_Off_R_A_Butch_Barton.jpg]
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[Image: GN_C_Flt_Off_H_J_S_Beazley.jpg]
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[Image: GN_T_R_G_A_Burton.jpg]
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[Image: GN_G_Flt_Off_K_Lofts.jpg]
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Re: [Download] SkinPack[x14] Mk-I Hurricane of 249 Squadron. - Planemad - 05.06.2012

Very nice pack here :Smile)

Thanks mate :Smile)


Re: [Download] SkinPack[x14] Mk-I Hurricane of 249 Squadron. - checkmysix - 05.06.2012

Thanks a lot Planemad
Keith :Smile) :Smile) :Smile)

Re: [Download] SkinPack[x14] Mk-I Hurricane of 249 Squadron. - Fireskull - 06.06.2012

Beautiful work! Smile


Re: [Download] SkinPack[x14] Mk-I Hurricane of 249 Squadron. - Deutschmark - 06.06.2012

nicely done thank you for your work. Big Grin
