View Looping Vertically - Avid Sim Player - 10.11.2014
When not using Track IR in internal view or with using track IR the external view - the picture is constantly looping in the vertical axis.
Re: View Looping Vertically -
Deutschmark - 10.11.2014
I don't have Track IR but the ones that do says to me it works with 4 DOF.
I have had the looping view happen and that is because I kept on turning the view one way to many times and to stop it I just turn the view in the opposite direction once or twice and its back to normal again.
Re: View Looping Vertically - Avid Sim Player - 11.11.2014
I don't even get to change the view and it happens. Maybe there is a check box that has to be ticked or unticked.
Re: View Looping Vertically -
Deutschmark - 11.11.2014
Ok, here is something you could try for me please, disconnect your Track IR from your PC then go into the game folders and find the ( VSF .ini ) delete it then start the game and just use the mouse or hat for views and tell me if that stops the looping view happening for you.
Re: View Looping Vertically - Avid Sim Player - 13.11.2014
Sorry but have been tied up at work ans had no time to check it but it does not work:
In the beginning the view in the cockpit is stable but if I change to external view it begins again to rotate.
Re: View Looping Vertically -
Deutschmark - 13.11.2014
Can you post your VSF. ini file here please, just copy it and past it into the message box.
Re: View Looping Vertically - Avid Sim Player - 13.11.2014
I think I solve it. It has to do with unchecking the virtual controller axes in the settings.
Re: View Looping Vertically -
Deutschmark - 13.11.2014
You mean the ( Y ) axes in game settings or the virtual controller axes in the Track IR settings?
Just want to know incase someone else has this problem.
Re: View Looping Vertically - Avid Sim Player - 13.11.2014
I went to the settings and deleted all the check 's in the virtual controller boxes setting so that all that remained was my actual joystick and so far I'm having no trouble.
Re: View Looping Vertically -
Deutschmark - 13.11.2014
Ok great!
Wish you much fun with the game
Re: View Looping Vertically - Avid Sim Player - 15.11.2014
One thing I've noticed is that in order the fixto work I have each time to delete the Vjoy axes. I there no way to save the configuration permanently?
Re: View Looping Vertically -
Deutschmark - 15.11.2014
Can you please show me by way of a screen shot about what you mean by Vjoy axes, if its in the joystick settings them are saved in the VSF. ini file and remain that way unless you change them or have a out side device like Track IR that has its own CFG file in the tracker folder that could be resetting them at startup.