No. 209 Viritual Squadron to be Decommissioned - RAF209_Benge - 18.11.2014
On December 28th,2014 No. 209 V. Squadron of the Royal Air Force will be decommissioned. After 17 years of online flight gaming it is time for this old girl to be laid to rest.
We will hold a ceremony on our TeamSpeak and turn over the Colours of No. 209 Squadron to its two Brigadier Generals. Brig Gen. Murunga and Brig. General Beerthirty.
All current pilots will be officially retired.
All current and former pilots are invited to join us in this celebration. All friends of the RAF are invited to join in as well
Colonel/Wing Commander C.K. "Bedwyr" Benge
"Last" Commanding Officer
No. 209 Royal Air Force
Re: No. 209 Viritual Squadron to be Decommissioned -
Deutschmark - 19.11.2014
Well that is very sad
Wish you all the best!
Re: No. 209 Viritual Squadron to be Decommissioned - Jambo - 21.11.2014
Very sad indeed! After all this time.
Nowadays it is very hard to find new and enthusiastic pilots, I think.
To many things on or with a console... and a lot of money for good flying equipment!?
I too wish you all the best! And always a feet of air under your wings.
Hals- und Beinbruch! S!
Jambo :wink:
Re: No. 209 Viritual Squadron to be Decommissioned - RAF209_Benge - 29.11.2014
S! The ceremony will be at 5 P.M. EST on Sunday December 28th.
Jambo the 209 RAF is not going away....We have just pretty much given up our wings for treads.
The 209 RAF is now known as the 209 Royal Armoured Force and has 54 members at present.
Re: No. 209 Viritual Squadron to be Decommissioned - RAF209_Benge - 26.12.2014
Here is the Teamspeak Info for Sunday
It is TeamSpeak 3
pw of the day: RedBaron3D