When i try to download this mod i geth message allert from NOD 32
Win32\Agent.OBH Trojan , ???. Its this safe to install ??
Thanks !
Sounds like you are using AVG antivirus?
Don't worry about it. It's a false report. If you switch off your AVG and do the patch you'll be fine. Otherwise wait until I've gotten home and I'll upload my .exe's for you. :wink:
Its not just AVG that throws that up.I ran a NOD 32 online scan a few weeks ago and it deleted my 6 DOF mod as a virus lol!
Had to reinstall it!
Thanks for help. I download with no problem now.
i have problem with install , this files.
Yes, it is a false alarm. The only file that gets caught in that antivirus scan is the Il2FB.exe patcher that is in essense a too for modifying executable files... wink wink... viruses do the same, hence the false panic of the antivirus.
Modern antiviruses have eurist detection methods to encrease the chances of grabing unknown yet viruses. It looks inside the patcher and sees instructions to grab a specific file program and modify it by inserting and cutting code in it. For most antiviruses it's enough to trigger an alarm... then it will give a name of the closest virus relativ it resembles...