I just wanna thank all modders.......

......these mods made me install 1946 again after a long time,and it's great!
To begin with the soundmods,finally a Spit sound like a Spit,gives me goosebumps in the flyby!(if you ever heared it in reallife you'll appriciate the mod even more...)!
The maps look great,landscape diversity,building placement,all very realistic!
The effect mods are stunning!
And then ALL these flyables,old and new,what can i say,thank you for giving me a whole new sim! :Smile)

hear hear, i second that

Ahem to that, I felt the same way when I was able to finally fly B-17s. I may be fully deaf but I use my X-FI soundblaster with my 2.1 speaker... I could tell huge different when i felt many different wsounds rumbling my room with new sounds... I was like holy crap!!!! I loved these type of sounds!!!

And even better, being able to fly unlocked aircrafts (FINALLY!), such as B-17s, B-29s, etc... then suddenly, more and more different types of mods, especially add-on aircrafts is what make il-2 1946 rapidly becoming even more unbelievaly awesome! And one of other reason why I am also very excited because I know that there will be more 1946s 'what if' aircrafts besides more historical aircrafts being added to this simulator!


Big Grin

Chaoic out...

Glad to see you here, Dutchman! Smile

I just wanted to make a thread like that myself.

Yes, thanks a lot to all! Sorry I'm not able to be of a big help in modding myself. I can only profit from all of you and I'm unable to contribute. Which makes me feel a bit awkward.

Everyday I'm passing at least half an hour reading all the threads. This is fun.

Thanks again.

just another nOOb here wanting to thank all the modders that have created all the great additions to this already great sim. your dedication and skill are admirable

well, As one of the modders, I will say a couple of things:

Firstly, we are sorry that a modder hasn't posted here yet lol, Everybody just gets carried away by their projects like the unified installer, Seafury FW190 A3, Spitfire XIV, P47/51 just to name a few. So please don't think we don't read these threads, We do, but often don't have time to reply for various rease.

Secondly: Thankyou,Threads like this are appreciated alot by the mod team, It lets us know your happy with are work,appreciate what we like to see people that are happy with the mods. It makes the mods worth all the time that the modders spend working on them and then start a new project,

So from all the AAA modders who are busy working on there projects to get realeased, Thanks guys, Its really appreciated Smile

thankyo - the dutchman Smile

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