I've noticed since installing the Unified Version of IL2 that I no longer have any STATIC/TECHNICS/SHIP/STATIONARY/CHIEF/etc..... INI's ? They are no longer in my STD folder where I used to keep them.
Have they been removed for a reason? I'd like to load the MAPMOD but understand it doesnt work yet with the Unified Version - is this because the .ini's have been removed? Can I move the .ini's back to the new STD folder?
If not - when can we have the MAPMOD available for the Unified Version? Also same for the Shippack?
NB, Any chance of a seperate 'help' section for the Unified Version ?
well, i have asked this already with no reply... you have found the inis, have you? they are in the static aircraft mod for example (do windows explorer search)
I have moved them from there to their old location, no problem. and I have installed shippack, armour pack and objects pack, all dealing/messing with the inis. no poblem. I have installed almost all maps (actually just copied my former MAPMODS folder into the community installers and copied the specfic objects/textures that came with some maps , no problem at all...) and most beta maps, also no problem.
before changing the inis, make a safe copy so you can go back from where you came in case there is trouble. i have encountered none so far.
Static Aircraft Mod does not follow AAA conventions. Since Wrapper loads the first file of a name and ignores any subsequent file of the same name it will load BEFORE the STD mod folder where thes files SHOULD be.
It has been explained to me that things like this were done to prevent mod contamination of a UNIFIED installer (my words not thiers) If you go ahead and re-enable your ships, then make a mission using those ships, anyone NOT running the ShipPack MOD will get load errors or invisible ships etc.
While I have not been able to convince them to recifiy this (for now) my hope is that FUTURE AAAui (v1.2) will include ShipPack, Lal_Rones HangerS etc, in it so we all again have the same STD files so ALL AAA can start using all these and wonderful objects.
For what it's worth, my understanding is that for stationary.ini the planes listed under [StationaryPlanes] need to be added and for technics.ini the section under
// Stacionary planes
need to be added
RichardHed, some of the inis come within the Folder "static_AC" with the AAA v1.0 install (for me at least). not in the STD path where they used to (and in my opinion should) be.
I at first saw that the STD path was missing the inis so I used my old ones but got crashes until I realized there where others loading i an earlier folder around and cleaned it up.
also, there is a i18n folder under files and the same i18n under STD... which is in my eyes another heavy inconsistency since it is easy to have a file twice there and causing you pains.
(language packs for example, i had to adjust mine)
So i moved the inis manually to not have my install "contaminated" with com/maddox... paths all over the place.
and if I use shippack2 ships of course anyone who wants to play my mission has to have it enabled too. never was different. where is the problem - if one doesn't feel like integrating it, he can't have the misions using it. simple.
Modding is a somewhat individual bussines, there is no "correct" version (maybe let's call it a common base version) and there will allways be different installs.
i have not found any incompatibility with my doing and AAA v1.0 so far.
AAA v1.0 was a great idea.
Cheers guys! As you say the Unified version is a cracking idea but theres little anomalies that havent really been explained. I did a 'search' for my .ini's but it came up with nothing so I shall go back and have another look.
VP - I take it you have your .ini's reinstated in your STD folder? When I tried moving mine there and installing my old MAPMODS folder my game crashed at 70% - I assume this is because they also reside in the Static_ac folder ? I will try 'deleting' the ones in that folder (i'll save em first) and try again (If I do indeed find 'em).
A lot of old mods can be successfully moved across anyway - ERCANWIDE works along with QMB Plus and Fly_zo's GUI mods - i'm trying each one at a time. I had to use AAA v1 to resolve a 70% CTD which I couldnt fix since loading the new Spits & Tempest so I'm stuck with it so to speak.
Thanks again,
hm, so I was lucky maybe. or you have a different issue. always check if you have a file twice.
and also check the files folder for it too. maybe missing textures and objects from a former install are a problem.
try one map install at a time.