STD glitch...Recently - more or less out of the blue ...I've started having CTDs ( I have used AAA Community 1.1 install.Painfully and after a lot of time...I've tracked it down ( I think) to the STD folder . When I make changes to add new aircraft ( Typhoon, Saber...etc )all that were working once - before first CTD) I get a CTD at 60 or 70 %.Coincidentally this started right after the newest Spitfire XIV new aircraft mod install....I've done a fresh AAA1.1 -then sim works ...but if I try to install a new a/c with requires changes in STD folder..boom immediate crash...I'm wondering if something is going on that doesn't like the folders in STD...???Need help. :oops:
its not STD folder ( or files in it ) which cause 60% CTD ...... its relation between air.ini file ( STD folder ... list of planes game is loading) and buttons file ( coming with AC Installer ) which contains all data for any plane .
If your air.ini doesn't match buttons file data = 60% CTD
So if you want beta mods with new flight models ( buttons file) please wait for their "data" to get incorporated in next version of AC Installer.
using nonofficial buttons file isn't good idea ...
Thanks-what about the mega button patch that came out several weeks ago is it worth trying or shoulsd I just wait ?
....Um I do wonder about one come most of the new mdded aircraft did least for a while before I tried to install the new Spitfire mod?
( Come to think of it occasionally they would tend to disappear from my STD files....hmmmm!?)