P-47 mod with P-51 K-14 gunsight

~S~ AAA-

Nice activity in here of late MJ and Wolf. Congrats.

Not sure if this is even possible... can you couple the K-14 gunsight from the P-51 to the P-47?
Historically speaking the P-47M and P-47N models where equiped with the foremention gunsight.

~S~ to all for their tremendous efforts with these mods.
I am particularly interested in the full 6DOF mod for tracker.

Again... ~S~ gentlemen


its possible

& thx very much :wink:


Jolly,,.... teach me how... LOL

great idea!

we know that some P 47s and AFAIK even some P 38s were fitted with "acemaker" K-14s

anyone have some historical data about its use in these types would greatly influence an attempt to enable this................................


I also go by the name of Hollywood and winged with BMAC at the old (56th)` and now with the =353=. I salute your P-47 driving skills, sir.

I do have the original manual on the K-14. Can you send me a PM with your email addy and I can forward info.

Additionally, here is a post... you will need to register in order to down the material.
http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/other- ... -3415.html

more info:

I appreciate your interest in considering this request. I feel this is a bit more reasonable to ask for opposed to assigning the B-1 rocket characteristics to say the P-47. Zoom Zoom



hey Holly! !

daiichidoku@hotmail.com daiichidoku@yahoo.ca or send me PM here Smile

LOTS of stuff to whip these guys into doing, IF it can be done, it will be

so many things, so little time, sigh

dealing with FMs is NOT waht this place is about; it has been done, but only to prove what can be done, we are out to enhance what we have in game (and maybe fix errors, if 190 bar/47 loadouts etc), not make uber, cheating Klownwagons et al

I'm no expert on the P47 but is the P47N visually different from the the P47D in the game? If not would it be interesting to modify it's fm to simulate the N model and then get it in game as a seperate aircraft? It would be a good first step to find out if a completely new aircraft could be brought into the game and one that would involve no 3d modelling. It might work on other types if not suitable for the P47. Just a thought.

the N had a completely new laminar wet wing...and the more pronounced later fin extension

personally, im not in favor of FM alteration, even assuming it can be done with no problems

as much as i would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to have a P 38 that even approaches accuracy, it really is a subjective thing...

too messy, playing with FMs is the reason so many have lost thier minds and are on a witch hunt

the goodness of sounds, HUD edits, map edits, 6DOF mod, flyable AIs, vis ranges, et al breathes new life into FB...dont give in to the dark side..........Wink

Well said Daiichidoku ,

K-14 manual emailed.


added this to my XMAS list...only 55 days until XMAS.. Santa... K-14 in the P-47 :lol: :lol:

[Image: 11.jpg]

[Image: acmgs07.jpg]

[Image: k_14_in_the_p_51_376.jpg]

yeah it worked yeah yeah yeah

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