Yes Zo, let's see if there's interest, sticky can come later...
Asheshouse, I agree it would be really nice to have a full ardenes map. The one we have is sooo small, and all airfields are placed at the edges, so depressing when you fly and see there the deathland.
Then, it's true thre are no "full" tutorials up to now, except the hints present in this thread or some others. But basically, when the game loads a certain map, it uses a number of files. So if the user have those files and knows how to modify them he can modify the way the map looks in the game. Some of these files are image files, some are text some are "alien-language" for me. Hm, it's hard, maybe later some more hints, or maybe the other map m8's can come to my help! :oops: :oops: :oops:
But you'll get it eventually I'm sure :!:
Lets not forget that the original authors of the 3rd party maps spent considerable time with the map making, lots of things need to be figured out to be able to undertake such big project.
Think about the number of the villages, bridges, trainyards and roads on such map.
You'll also need more detailed contemporary topographic and transportation maps.
What I'm able to do now is to take one of the empty maps for example and place rivers and mountains and retexture it freely.
Absolutely Istvan, a decent new map would take a long time to produce.
Now pretty interesting, this reminds me of a discussion on jurinko site, they had a guest, don't remember the name now, another one from the map team, doing Basarabia (maybe Yogy), so they had to talk english, so they were talking about the way to place objects on a map, and i understood they have a function called autofill which places objects automatically on different spots. The slovaks were not using this autofil thing, but rather placed objects by hand. That's one reason their shots look nice. How I understand autofill: you placed one village texture somewhere to represent a village. If you look at it you easily recognise spots of darker texture where houses have to be placed. But this autofill does this automatically, depending on how big the house spot is , it must be placing a smaller or a bigger house from a certain list of houses which the builder chooses. So that makes things fast, but sometimes can give funny results like: On Manchuria map, each village has 2-3-5 country churches of the same type lol, very religious people the manchurians.
Now imagine you place houses by hand, for a not too small not too large land map size, you might expect maybe 10000+ objects, and that done in the ECONOMY way Oleg's maps are done. It's a lot and if you want to do it thoroughly, not just spraying buildings around,it's a tremendous time to spend.
Then as you said, how about roads, railways, and airfields, these are open questions up to now...
Yes, there's an autofill function, other map builders were talking about this too.
I'm pretty sure that for a new map we need the original map building tools which are in russian only.
But I'm not really sad about this because we got lot of maps, each can be modified into unlimited subversions even if we're only talking about swapping the stock textures (summer, winter, autumn, spring, desert, mud, spring, rockland...).
Boomerang, are you editing textures so they are specific for a given map, or are your edited textures pretty much universal for all maps...
anyone know this?
Ahaha, LionHell, thanks for this tip :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
Now we still have one problem, maybe two: why if I place runways this way, they are visible from only very small distance (I think I measured and it was about 3000 meter)? How can we make them be visible from much bigger distance, like the runways which load by default? I don't understand, maybe there's an instruction in actors.static telling them to be visible at much bigger distance? This is a mistery.
The other question, will the AI recognise such a runway placed by hand?
Sorry for big delay.....
her is the translation of Boomerang's textures tutorial...
Translation mad for me by my friend St