4.08 4.09 maps compatibility


Interesting, I extracted 4.09b Building textures and assumed , from work with clones, that they would show in 4.08m with the correct static.ini entries. Well, they didn't ; so probably more to this than meets the eye.

I think effectively you're getting 4.08 to run as 4.09 - what does the splash screen say?

Is there an advantage to running "4.08 and a half"?

This could be useful for future mods. Idea :?:


Has a dedicated server been released for 4.09b yet? That is the problem that we in Air Group 51 are facing. If we all up grade to -.09b, then we won't be able to join our own server in HL! But without it, we can't enjoy the wonderful work by the Slot Team. Cry

let me see if i understand you correctly. Are you saying it's possible to run a 4.08 ded. server with 4.09 maps?

VT-51_Razor Wrote:Has a dedicated server been released for 4.09b yet? That is the problem that we in Air Group 51 are facing. If we all up grade to -.09b, then we won't be able to join our own server in HL! But without it, we can't enjoy the wonderful work by the Slot Team. Cry

To my knowledge, the Dedicated Server (DS) patch for 4.09 has not yet been released. If I correctly understand the way the DS works, even if we receive the 4.09 DS, it will not work with custom maps unless it is Modded.

This is a very big deal for those who want to use custom maps online, and I would love to see the Mod Community tackle this issue.

Now this would be very cool beans. Besides, if this does get addressed then the server could be used to force mod compatibility as well.

Loku, we like to see if we can get the 4.08 ded server to act this way too. can we get some help on that?

online play would rise, i think, if there was a dedicated server hosting slot maps.

unabashed bump 8)

unbeleiavable bump! Confusedhock:

Just tried this and crashed to desk top at 5% loading screen


I wish 4.09 would hurry and come out and put an end to this.


Thanks Loku for yout time for giving us options to getting around this.

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