you can tell by the number of prs files included in you files/presets/sounds folder
0.93 - 90
0.92 - 77
0.90 - 67
this number represents the individual engines/weapons sounds replaced by the mod
I dont have the sfx versions, but those include much less (~20-30) so I'll stick with 0.93 until something better is released
its a good thing that you've asked about this because if you dont have the correct version of the buttons file (from the latest ac installer) then some engines/weapons will be silent.
Good question and good answer.
I just checked mine and realized I had to count how many I had.
90 .prs = version 0.93
Thanks vpmedia !
Many thanks for your response.
I checked, and I have 106 PRS files...naturally. :lol:
What does that mean?