Now this is merely an Idea, but wouldnt it be great to switch the different Languages to english with accents a la Team Fortress 2?
I think it would be pretty funny!
I think I have something that you requested. Years back there ware replacement speech packs called "BBQ Speech Pack". Sincve my German is poor, the German voice I use are in English with an accent. Now, my son looks down on me 'cause he happens to be fluent in German as is more of a purest than I am. Its all a matter of taste.
Ofcourse it is.
Never the less, I wanted to ask if anyone is interested in helping with this project, because Im definitely not going to pull off a one man show!
And AKA_Mountain, if you could forward that mod to me Id be truly pleased.
S! Mountain! Long time no chat mate. I would also like to get that speech pack you're talking about. Is it available anywhere? If not, would you be willing to post it somewhere? Thanks mate.
I think that would be great - i guess it is a matter of what you find most authentic. the correct language, or being able to understand what your wingmen say...(and no blue text) Had a look for the bbq speech pack by no luck, there were some posts mentioning it but from around 2002 and the links to the download were dead, is there any chance of contacting the autor and seeing if they want to make it available on the AAA site?