...I'm looking at my 1946 game folder,after a more or less complete install which works great...but I do have a question or two involving duplicate folders.First i seem yo have two 'file folders " one outside & one inside the Mods...bothe seem to have basically the same folders within...can I get rid of one? If I go thru all the folders I seem to have a few i18n folders sprinkled around in vrious places as well ...ditto GUI folders. I've screwed around with these before ,usually to the detrement of game performance & function...soooooo ...before I play around again I thought I'd ask...
Its a little like Brit Sports car wiring in my Morgan ...even tho it loks messy , if it works ,don't mess around with it!
There used to be a Files folder which was in the il2 Root folder.... it was put there with the early system of the mods....which also had a Filelist file which pointed the game to look in the Files folder for all items in its list (anything else it would go to the default sfs files)
this was used by the early soundmod .80 .85 .90
then a new Wrapper system came out which created the MODS folder and had a new Wrapper file in the root folder...this directed the game to look in the MODS folder first ...then in the Files folder...then in the sfs files ...and it no longer need a Filelist file
many of us thought we could put the File folder into the MODS folder to simplify matters.... and we often found that by renaming it zfiles or something similar it would be read last alphabetically and so any new a/c mods put in the MODS folder above it wouldn't get their wires crossed...
Then it was discovered that the new installers being used by AAA would automatically look in the old Files folder and check for duplicates and puit things in the right order...and also the uninstaller
so those of us who moved the Files folder into our MODS folder were advised to put it back
You should only have one ...with the 3do/gui/i18/presets/samples folders in it
if you have one in your MODS folder....try disabling it first...before deleting it...by simply putting a '-' in front of its name