Moving reticles around

Is there a way to move say, the FW-190 reticle from the new A-3 to a 109? Or maybe replace the stock TA-152C reticle with the one the H-1 uses if you use the Reflex visor pack?[/u]

It would be better to give the Ta-152C to give it the FW-190D late cockpit so it can have the EZ 42 Gyro sight like it was suppose to. :wink: just my opinion. But yes, I would also like to see this if possible. Take your time guys. :wink:

I thought about that, yeah. The only reason I haven't is the A, the stock cockpit isn't that bad, although nowhere near Flushy's pit, and B, some of the handles and switches are in the wrong spot. Maybe too anal, but I think adding the new reticle would help.

You need to get yourself an SFS extractor and extract the files for the cockpit and reticle that you want to use. This will most likely be a targa file and install this file in the cockpits 3do file that you want to have this particular sight.

Thanks, I'll try my hand at it.

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