What is hardest AI Version?

Hi all,
I have switched my AI to 3.04 with help of a Beta-Mod.
That works fine (no more endless barrel roles) - BUT my main problem with AI is still not solved (and in the 4.09 version too is wrong):
the AI-Oppenents seem to have lost the ability to turn into me, even if I fly ME109 against a I-16 or a Wildcat against a Zero - in a turning fight, when I get close to "the edge" with starting of the buffeting the AI-Zero or I-16 doesn't turn quicker. If I remember correctly this hasn't been always the case in previous versions.
Can anybody remember, which version was the last one, when the AI (maybe it was a bit cheating then with sometimes strange manouvers - but it was more of a challenge) could turn better on a turning fight?

Not sure, but I think it was called Forgotten Battles :wink:

Sorry to be flippant as I agree with what you said, hopefully someone can help you.

It was 2.04 patch derived from 2.02 "leaked" patch.
Notice also that there was someting of "suicide tendency" in A.I. behaviour too in this patch. Regards. 8)

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