sorry, thats to high for me
i dont use them in the mod folder, i overwrite the cockpits files under files/3do/cockpits
Hello again. I have found a small bug in your Russian reticle on the I-153... I don't know if I did something wrong, but... The old ring has dissapeared, and I'm getting double loaded reticles, with just a quarter of the new one:
(The link is inoperative)
And for some reason on my italian reticles, the "glow" radius is smaller than the reticle shine radius.. resulting in an overlap...
Thanks for straightening this out Bee. I wonder why they used an iron sight with the optical sight. This arraignment seems to negate the advantage of the optical gunsight.
i dont think that it is realistic with both sights like it is in IL 2
Yet another, great looking, high quality mod. Thanks for all the hard work!
These new sights add a very realistic look and action to the cockpit... excellent work on these mods.
I just updated and re-posted the links that were dead for this old mod. Check out the first post of this thread for the new download links.
thank you for this wonderful work
I love the sights that you do
thank you very much!
You are very welcome heero12. I still prefer these over most of the new reticles that have come out. I try them all and keep coming back to these.
NonWonderDog resized most of the US reticles in his NWD_Gunsights mods using new Z_Z_RETICLE.msh files.
HSFX and UP use his mod in their SFS files so you have to include a new Z_Z_RETICLE.msh resizing them back down if you are adding my US reticle mods in a MODS folder. You can resize them by reducing the values in the [Vertices_Frame0] field of the Z_Z_RETICLES file and including it with each new reticle.
I believe HSFX may already be using my old Japanese, Italian and Russian reticle mods in their SFS files. I don't have UP installed so I don't know about them.
PM me with your email address and I'll send you what I'm using now.