(Almost) Guided Bomb

Howdy, first request here so just gimme a good knock on the head if I do somethin' wrong. 8)

Anyway, I was watching a program called B-24's in the Pacific. It chronicles the role of the B-24 in the "Island Hopping Campaign" up the Slot and in other parts of the pacific. In this video they talked about how the bombs they dropped were fitted with a radio reciever which was hooked up to the fins on the bomb. The bombardier dropped the bomb normally, then guided the bomb left or right following a flare on the rear of the bomb. I do not know if they bothered to control the pitch of the bomb, just the yaw motions. You could kinda imagine an X-4 in bomb mode. :roll: (Note: the bombing must be done manually, w/ one bomb at a time.)

This could help if say your online and drop your bomb on one spawning point. Then you may decide to attack a plane that just appeared on another ramp. Simply, radio control your bomb to the other ramp. ( IF ANYBODY CONSIDERS THIS CHEATING JUJST IGNORE THE LAST PARAGRAPH! We dont HAVE to use this online.)

So thats my request. If you call me stupid just tell me why and if you like it thanks!

not a bad idea THIS COULD WORK

[Image: LE657_350.jpg]
put the fritz x in, never heard of allied one but fritz x actually existed, finally i can kill the Hiryu from 400km away

It was experimental and not so successful. So you imagine i don;t think a PC can realy simulate the problems the bomb had... the worst part is that when some one master;s it then we would have the most precise bombing ever.

american Wrote:It was experimental and not so successful. So you imagine i don;t think a PC can realy simulate the problems the bomb had... the worst part is that when some one master;s it then we would have the most precise bombing ever.

Like I said it was only a suggestion. It could be modelled like the X-4 but minus a few control inputs. And there are also mods on here which control the reliability of torpedos. I mean, even in my video reference it shows some bombs going haywire and missing. But it's better than missing completly.

Film of the Razon showing the construction and deployment


Also a film showing Smart Bomb Technology Developed During the War


As for guided bombs and missiles in IL-2 some one is working on it and there is a screen shot some where on here.

the germans had the X-1 which they used to sink a few Italian ships and a British ship. They also had a guided missile that they used to take out a couple of ships. It was controlled via joystick from an He111.

This link explains it all:
This is a short clip I put together docuementing the aspects of the bomb.

On Me-410 use X-4 - programmers knew how made guided waepon. Question to him.

Fritz X, HS 293?

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