need help with a background


I'm looking for a background with two spitfires, probably mk. XIV, chasing na bf-109. Also there was a text, il -1946 mod version or something like that. I had it but for some reason when i was scaning my computer with an antivirus program it has gone. Now i have russian background. I think that this was added by one of the mods.


This link it will get you to info ...and I believe fy_zo did one also
(The link is inoperative)

Nope tried that already. I remember that the loading background with two spitfires and bf-109 appeared when i have loaded some mods (sound mod or maybe aircraft mod pack). I have tried to load them again but it's still russian Big Grin .


I know what you're talking about - the default background for the mod activator. The other one, with Russian, is the default background for the sound mod. Just reinstall the mod activator after installing the sound mod and it should work, I had to reinstall a while ago and most of my mods weren't working properly with just the sound mod so I reinstalled the activator too. It's a pair of SEAC Spit VIIIs chasing a 109.


Give me a day or 2 and Ill get you something......
Try doing a search in windows for any file named "background"
If you have hidden in your system then your search should find it...then just use a Paint program that views .TGA files to see if its the one your missing..Good luck

I'll be in touch...

4./JG53_Badger Wrote:ravenpl,

Try doing a search in windows for any file named "background"
If you have hidden in your system then your search should find it...then just use a Paint program that views .TGA files to see if its the one your missing..

Done that already. Somehow my antivirus delete that background pernamently :/ , but after reinstaling mod activator everything works fine.

Big thanks rossmum and 4./JG53_Badger,


Glad to hear it...Cheers

Well i have another problem, after all the problems with background i have lost my users folder. Anyone knows what happen? Could someone send me a default users folder, that with John 'Mad' Doe.


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