"The Jug": New Series

Some of you may have seen on the boards I am starting a new IL-2 video series, called "The Jug". It is my first time doing a series, voiceovers, and really working hard with fraps. I stars a P-47 pilot (why it's called "The Jug") who is in war-torn europe in 1942-1945 (late 1942, it starts). It will also showcase the various mods found here and skins at Flying-Legends.net. Here are two screenshots of the first part.

[Image: il2fb2009052717040800.th.jpg]
This shows the P-47 cockpit mod

[Image: il2fb2009052717100593j.th.jpg]

You may want to grab this mod if your doing a movie on the Jug. The original prop is a little beatup if you ask me....Good luck with your movie....


Idea is pretty cool, I follow that Smile

Badger, already downloaded. I plan to use it. (SPOILER!!) In the 1944 parts in will use the P-47D-25 and in the beginning with it I use the mod but near the end when the plane has been used a while the blade will get more weathered (not using the mod). Hope this sounds cool!

Sure, weather and time is painting ennemy Smile

Thats the right idea my friend

lookin' forward to see your clips

In case anyone wonders if "The Jug" is still in production. YES it is I'm just busy with some other things at the moment

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