I recently reinstalled Il2, and then patched it to 4.09m using the SAS Modactivator. I installled each of my mods one at a time, testing to make sure they worked. Before I installed the Swordfish, I backed up my buttons file. I installed, added lines, etc., but now it crashes at 60%. Even when I deleted all files of the swordfish, and reinstated my buttons file, it still crashes. another reinstall I guess
Ok I'll download the buttons for the Halifax thats how I got my Swordfish working
Dorvanski, after I read your post, I went and installed the Swordfish on my new SAS modact version, and it worked fine. Its not the buttons, I can assure you. Make double sure that your air.ini entry is correct, and that you have all the right files for the Swordfish. :wink:
I just reinstalled the sworfish, and also the buttons for the HAlifax. Now a 20% crash
No I;m just using AAA sound mod/mod activator and Halifax Buttons
20% crash is a missing classfile....the funny numbered ones like A34BF80KK215
Sorry mate but i'm running the SAS button and so on and my swordfish is fully working.
I confirm it's not a matter of lines...
now I uninstalled Il2 and I will reinstall it when 1.2 or CK or something else good comes out, for now I am just going to leave it alone. Thank you for the replies and help, and I will be more careful next time :twisted: