Manually adding new A/C with HSFX 4.11

How do you manually add new aircraft once HSFX 4.11 is installed? I followed the usual steps like I did for UI 1.2, but the game crashes at 60%. Here are the steps I followed:

1. Put the aircraft's data folder in my MODS folder
2. Add the appropriate entry in air.ini
3. Add the appropriate entry in
2. Add the appropriate entry in

I'm trying to get the following A/C to work:
Cant 1007
Cant 1007t
PBY (the one with torpedos)

Your procedure is correct. If you're getting a 60% CTD, then you probably need different buttons for some or all of those A/C.

Hello Smile
I will tell you my method.

Go to your IL -2 shturmovik 1946 game folder (C:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946) Create the Folder call it MODS and in this MODS folder Create the new Folder and name it CTD , then go to Files folder in your IL-2 shturmovik (C:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\files)

Copy thous three folders in your CTD folder

1) com
2) gui
3) i18n
If you already did this procedure then i guess you need new buttons file so go to SAS website (register if you don't have account) go to topic called Essential SAS.In Essential SAS find the topic SAS Buttons : DL the latest ~ 25 Feb , download the buttons file and put it in your:

IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\mods\CTD\gui\game

in any case backup the old button file.

hopefully it will work for you :cheers:

you were indeed correct! thanks for the help

COBRA19 Folder and name it CTD...
CTD? You are too funny, Cobra! :lol:

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