Hudconfig v1 and HudconfigPAL(Zuti) Question

I'm currently using HSFX 4.1 with ZutiDSMod_v1.12UP and when checking for conflicts using the Zuti conflict checker it shows 4 conflicts with the 1.12UP. Also when activating the Advance Engine Management mod my game will load completely however when I hit the fly buttom my game freezes and my computer locks up so that I have to do a crtl/alt/del to regain the functions of the game and computer. Does any one have this problem using either of the Hudconfig mods with ZutiDSMod_v1.12up or can someone point me in the right direction to resolve these issues. Thanks TC

I don't have a fix for your lock-up, but I found my sim locks-up when I used the (Hudconfig/Pat mod). Works fine with Hudconfig v1.
So your problem is more than likely with the (Hudconfig/Pat) mod.

OOPS Sorry, HudconfigPal Mod.

Any Ideas on what the problem with the Advance Engine Management? When activated with ZutiDS_Mod_v1.12 the game will load all the way up but once you hit the Fly button the game and computer both locks up requiring a crtl/alt/del reset? Thanks TC

Sorry I should have mention that even though the conflict checker show 4 conflicts between both Hudconfig Mods they still work with 1.12UP as long as I don't have the Engine Management Mod activated and the Advance Engine Management Mod when activated will lock up my game/system irregardless of what (Mods) I have active even in the JSGME switcher.

We in the 99th, don't use the engine management mod at all, found it's not quite right. On some maps, as soon as you start your engine, oil pressure is off the scale, results in a blown engine before you can even close your canopy.

Zuti is good, but not perfect. This occures with both 1.1 and 1.2 Zuti mod.
So we just set engine management in the game itself.

Thanks for the reply. TC

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