Corrupt a Wish

Rules: first person: make a wish

Second person: make the person above you's wish go horribly wrong and make your own wish

Third person: same as second person

fourth person: same as third

and so on

Example: First person: i wish i had a new computer

Second person: Wish granted, but the computer crashes.
i wish i had a monkey

Third person: Wish granted, but the monkey eats all of your food and runs away. i wish.............

and thats it. have fun.

I wish i had money. :mrgreen:

Wish granted, but you accidentally used all the money to corrupt a politician Big Grin

Wish I had life outside the internet Tongue

wish granted, now ur in school

i wish i had a new Laptop

Wish Granted, but you new laptop catches fire Sad

I wish for a rubber to rub out stuff in the world I don't like,


Granted, but everyone gets one but they erase just you.

i wish the opposite of world peace

Wish Granted, but now you have been killed.
I wish for Patch 4.10 Today.

Granted, but it's over 500gb in size

i wish i had a job

You got one, except you work for Herr Otto Flick Of The Gestapo.

I wish I could have a wish that couldn't be corrupted by someone else who then makes another wish yet gets corrupted by someone else which isn't my problem because my wish will not be corrupted and that is all that matters.

wish not granted.

i wish i had a bigger HardDrive *wink wink* :p

Wish granted, you think it's a big one but it's a mobile black hole and sucks you in.

Wish i got a new phone.

Wish Granted, Except you are in the Army and cannot make calls.

I wish for Big Red Button that says, Dont Push!

Wish Granted, but you big red button gets jammed when you push it :roll:

I wish for a flying car that can drive under water Big Grin


wish granted but instead it's a land submarine that flies

i wish i had a girlfriend lol

Wish Granted, But it turns out she is actually a man.

I wish for World Domination.

Wish Granted, but everyone rebels and savagery murders you :twisted:

I Wish I had a Brain reader to see what you'll all think,


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