
Hi my game crash at 50% after i have used the JSGME to enavble all mods. I used all mods but some of the mods are grey and the other 1 is black.

I am using 4.09 and i have installed UP 2.01 in the main IL2 1946 folder

Deactivate ALL of you MODs then see it it works.


Still crash

Wait until tonight then some will be able to help you further.


How many MODS are showing in your JSGME???

MAny , i will up load a Screenshot. [Image: ?dm=1129511297514]

[Image: ?dm=712951130232]

That looks about right for the number of mods you should have.
Now have you ADDED any thing to your game ?
DON'T make ALL your mods active at once.
Try a one or two at a time to see if it works.
Some will have conflicts with others.

well i dont active any 1 and it crash. i active 1 or 2 it crash

i SWITCHED to HSFX instead of UP so it didnt crash but i used a mod thats called IL2. That is the new fire. I have installed IL2 at jsgme mods folder but it dont work.

Now HSFX is crashing and UP is crashing. The only thing i did before the crash was i added Lancasterfolder to mods folder and lancaster patchfolder to lancaster folder . Then i added line for lancaster in Air .ini . Then it crash at 60%.

try changing your buttons file.

kidler Wrote:Now HSFX is crashing and UP is crashing. The only thing i did before the crash was i added Lancasterfolder to mods folder and lancaster patchfolder to lancaster folder . Then i added line for lancaster in Air .ini . Then it crash at 60%.

Link: The traditional method for you install an new aircraft.

No idea to try , i unistall IL2 1946 for 4th time and i am installing it for 5th time.

you need to add the lines in the "air.ini", doesnt matter where, either comes with the plane or is on the site where you downloaded from ie:

Lancaster         air.LANCASTER 1                       NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER
air.ini is in (drive)Sadpath)\IL-2 1946\Files\com\maddox\il2\objects

and if the plane doesnt work just take out that line

You don't need to reinstall your game.
Just remove the lancaster then go to your 'Files' folder.
There are most likely all kinds of files in that folder since the game crashed before it could resolve all the classes.
You can leave the folders that are there, but delete all the other files EXCEPT the one named ".RC".

That will leave you with between 4-6 folders and 1 file left in the 'Files' folder

Your game should work after that.


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