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Map Modifying Discussion - History (Read Only)

The *.tga's that aren't openable/editable, it's the header that can't be read. whether there's some sort of encryption or the like is unknown. I have to do some research on tga's. Idea

The *.tgb's are tga's with a changed file extension. Irfanview will open these. Also some of the *.tga's that Irfanview won't open give the error that a Quicktime plugin for Irfanview is required, I have downloaded this but have yet to try it out. Possibly some form of animation, maybe something else.

I believe (would guess) that the Map_*.tga's when made, were actually quite larger than what we see, making them easier/more accurate to create and are then resized to the size we see now. possibly created with a vector type program (Illustrator/Corel Draw) rather than a raster program. (Photoshop)

I guess you guys have all the *.sfs files extracted to folders for viewing?

I do believe we're on the verge of a breakthough here :lol:

Cheers, Neil Smile
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