smoke/fire distance mod also for FMB trees Object list?

Maybe the whole visibility parameters are encoded into the .msh (mesh) files. I'm sure the .msh contains SEVERAL meshes of the object according to distance. Also instructing which skin (HI,LO etc) to use with which mesh. Take that big japanese temple, place it in FMB then move away from it. It suddenly jumps from a 3d structure to a 2D(flat) structure. That's when the mesh is changing. In my first attempts I thought it was related to skins so what I did, I took the skinHi and copied it in the files/ Then I place in same directory the same file but renamed skinLo and SkinMid. So that the game would use the high resolution skin regardless of distance. But of course it didn't work because the mesh itself changed with the distance.
Anyone opened any mesh file and with which program?

Edit: I think it's easy to check if the distance info is contained in the .msh files. Take .msh of treebroad, and make it act as the .msh of the treeline (maybe changing skin names in the mesh file too). Of course poor treeline will look terrible (unless giving some error of course) , but either visibility increases which means it's determined by the .msh or visibility stay the same which proves the contrary. I'll do this test today...

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