
Making large maps using SRTM data and MicroDEM

Ensure you have downloaded the SRTM data you need from the following link:


Start up MicroDEM
Click the “Data Manipulation” icon, it says IN/OUT on it
On the menu choose “Merge
then “DEMS
then “DEMs – pick multiple

Using the file window pick the DEMs you want to join together, hold down the “shift” or “Ctrl” key to pick multiple files. Do not worry if you don't get all the ones you want, I'll show how to add others later. These will load, you will then be asked to save the file as a DEM, give it a name and save it.

Close the “Data Manipulation” window.

Open your new DEM by clicking on the second icon “Open DEM” and choosing it from the file browser that opens up. Your new terrain map is ready to be manipulated for use in IL2 as per my previous post above.

But what if you want to add to this new DEM so you can make a bigger map?

Close the map you have opened and click on the “Data Manipulation” icon. If you cannot select it, close MicroDEM and start the program again. Occassionally it is a little buggy.
On the menu choose “Merge
then “DEMS
then “DEMs – pick single

Select the original DEM you saved in the file browser and click “open

The file browser will open again, select either single or multiple SRTM or DEM files to add to the DEM map you started. Every time you select “Open” the file browser will load the file then start again to give another opportunity to add more files. Once you have what you, just click “Cancel” on the file browser to close it down. You will then be asked to give your latest map a name before it is saved. Do this and then close the “Data Manipulation” window. Open up you new map as before and then modify to your hearts content.

There may be other ways of doing this is MicroDEM, but I am still learning, so if you know more, please add your knowledge.


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