Opening canopy sound

If you are using the new wrapper then the canopy_sound folder just needs to go in the Mods folder. The new wrapper structure really makes it that simple.

If you haven't updated to the new wrapper then you will have to do it the old way by copying the 3 sound waves to your files/samples folder and adding the pathnames to your filelist.txt file. I'm not sure about preset files. I wish I could be more specific on the filelist additions and presets, but I'm not very familiar with the old way.

Huxley_S seems to have a pretty good handle on this, maybe he can help.

One more thing, I did have to raise the volume levels for my installation because I have my landing gear and flap levels set pretty high.

As I said before, this one really is a team effort. I think it's cool the way everyone brought something to the table. Everyone feel free to add, change, redo, contribute, improve and share it.

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