Me-410 (new aircraft)

I've decided to change the engines on the B series to DB 603Aa.
Just because the B was basicaly used in the destroyer role most of the time.
So high alt performence is where it's at.

For the D I'm still not sure whether or how to adjust things.
Your hypothesis about the different DB 603s perfectly matches my own.
With the D-15 and 152 beeing the definite new mainstays, I think even the 603E is a bit stretching.
What just crossed my mind was the probability of a Jumo 213.
With the Ju 388 out of the way ( basicaly a worse plane for all the jobs the 410s good for) and the Ta 152 H only beeing a secondary, suplemental fighter in the jet age, the 213 E-1 might be an option.
If not the E-1, then maybe the A-1...

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