Video Card install question

RAF_OldBuzzard Wrote:Goodness...did I touch a nerve or something? 3 posts to reply to my one?

Bit eogtistical aren't we? Nothing in my post, other in my comment about the 3870 x2, was referring to, or directed to you personally. Nor, did I use the term Fanboi. All the rest was general in nature, and the OMGZ was to inject a bit of humor. But then you seem to be so full of yourself that humor is lost on you.

I'll also note, that quite contrary to your belief, the 3870 x2 is not 2 GPUs in crossfire. If it was then one wouldn't get the performance you do in non-crossfire applications. This isn't my "opinion", nor it it from a "2nd and 3rh hand reoprt". It's my actual experience, as I have, and am currently using a Sapphire 3870 x2 in my system.

Put your fingers in your ears and shout NAAAA, NAAAA, NAAAA, stick your head in the sand, or anything else you want to do to try to ignore it, but Vista and 64-bit Operating Systems are here, and here to stay. The advantages are there whether you choose to believe it or not.

Your attitude is nothing new. I saw it in the move from BPS to DOS and then to VMS back in my main-frame days, which were most likely before you were born.

Dump on Vista, and 64-bit OSs all you want to. They are here and they are the future. You can lead, or you can follow. Just don't get in the way of those that wish to move on to bigger and better things.

I have a friend that works for MSFT as a Technical Support engineer. One thing my friend mentioned was the huge number of world class experts (self appointed) we have in the world.
These people somehow manage to install a modem, a video card or may even somehow work through installing a software... from then on they are foremost computer system authotities and screw up more systems and cause more confusion than a cluster bomb.

It is within my knowledge to have experienced many encounters with self-appointed experts that flaunt the buzz words and pepper their verbiage with information. Information they read that may have been more mis-information than information.

I have been working with computers for 20+ years, programming and systems work. I don't profess to know or mislead others when it comes to a gamer system. My knowledge of the components and many of the finer parts of a competent gamer system are not among the areas I've worked or studied. I quit systems work after I got my MSFT credentials for NT, so you can tell that has been awhile. Regradless, I have enough experience with computers to know one very basic and important thing. If you know it, you know it, if you don't you don't. It can be harmful to others if you spout Ultra-knowledge and you really don't have it.

I'm not picking on any poster here. This is strictly an admonishment to share what you know and qualify it, but don't embellish the information or otherwise speculate. I've just spent over 1,000$ putting together a new system acting on competent advice. I look forwared to finishing the system up and knowing it will be a close to state of the art. I feel good about that. I wouldn't feel good about it, if I was getting smoke blown up my tailpipe by someones ego based informaiton.

I think it is relavent to share what you know and have experienced on forums like this, but I think that is where you draw then line. If you do have special competent knowledge to share that is even better. If you have found reference items to better explain or describe something, links and references should be described in your posts.

Personal attacks and profanity are troll talk and most of us know that. This forums has been a great help for me. Big Silver Hot Dog has been helpful beyond measure. Anyone going after him or defaming him, should do so much for this community as he has before throwing verbal stones.

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