Possible to reduce/alter the Cannon flash when impact made?

Nocturnum, you are correct they are 50.cal, so maybe I am mistaken in the ammunition.

However, I would still appreciate discussion about the IL2 effect, as I think that the hits that I relate to, would still suite the actual visual effect of a cannon hit, rather than the plume of flaming explosion we have now.

As the damage model cannot be changed, so we can't have huge bits being blown off (other than what we already have) I think the cannon damage would be larger than the 50.cal hits, but I still think the flash would be very similar, just more internal and external damage would result from the hit....WHICH I'M NOT ASKING FOR!!! just in-case it looked like going OT Wink

So, I think that I am mistaken in the ammunition striking the plane, but I think the effect is/would be more effective than the 'comic' explosion we have now....even if the colur was desaturated from the explosion, I think it would look better....just not what it is at the moment!

New clip of 109 attack on Hurricane here about 1 min 40 into the clip:


last clip:


Shows a lot of hits, but again, only a brief flash with a puff of black smoke...

So opinions welcome, but I think it's really too exaggerated in the game,

Cheers, MP.

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