VMF-225-06 After Action Report: 08/20/42

August 20th, 1942,
Henderson Field,
[Image: Guada.jpg]

[Image: vmf-225.jpg]

We barely had time to get settled before we were in heavy action. Early on the 20th, the Japs sent nearly a thousand man force to attack Henderson Field, named after Major Lofton R. Henderson, a dive-bomber pilot killed at Midway. At the time of the attack I was laying on the dirt floor of my tent on a Navy Issue, Standard Wool blanket. It was just too d@%#d hot to lie in those sunken cots. When the light howitzers began to fire at the edge of the field everyone sat up. Second Lieutenant Clinger picked up his Springfield .03 and went out into the predawn light dressed only in his sweat soaked skivvies. When he didn

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