What's the correct way to employ CS?

Acajoun, each map has it's own actors.static file. If you run "extract" on such an actors.static file you'll have as output a series of outfiles for example "outBuildings.txt". If you look at such a file you see something like:

397_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135025.11 148489.23 330.00
398_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135037.72 148462.66 330.00
399_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135062.50 148457.25 60.00
400_bld House$FurnitureTreeLine 1 135075.56 148481.12 -0.00
401_bld House$RussiaClutterMoscow4 1 135077.67 148422.75 -0.00
402_bld House$RussiaClutterMoscow4 1 135009.95 148471.23 -0.00
403_bld House$AirdromeHangarT1S1 1 134335.50 148703.76 260.00
404_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134381.75 148767.12 315.00
405_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134393.81 148742.98 315.00
406_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134306.84 148760.58 270.00
407_bld House$IndustrialFactoryHouse1 1 134302.73 148683.66 319.99

For example in

406_bld House$IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1 1 134306.84 148760.58 270.00

the numbers 134306.84 and 148760.58 defines the x and y coordinates of object "IndustrialFactoryWarenHouse1"

So now when you take such a "outBuildings.txt" file and place it in the CS program folder then run CS the program will take each of the lines in outBuildings and compare the coordinates with the "box" coordinates which you input in CS. If the coordinates are inside the "box" defined in CS then that line is output in outBuildings1.txt. If the coordinates are outside the CS "box" then that line is output in outBuildings2.txt.

Then using outBuildings1 or outBuildings2 you can run actor tools "create" to get a new actor.static which has objects only inside the CS box area (outBuildings1) or outside that area. Say a map is 100000 (x)by 200000 (y)Km.
The original actors static are spread over these space. If you run CS with the box defined by

x1=0,Y1=0 (first corner)
X2=10000, Y2=100000 (second corner)
outbuildins1 will contain the objects present in the lower half of the map and outbuildings2 tthe objects contained in the upper half of the map...

Hm, not very clear to me your question itself but hope it helps.

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