New generation GPU ATI HD48xx vs nvGTX260/280 and Il2


Simple answer of what they mean by "our new card is better":

Better = faster

Image quality does vary a little with the different models and brands, but if you have anything from the last 3 or 4 generations of cards, they will all be capable of showing IL-2 at Perfect settings. The only real difference will be rendering speed (framerate) when not limited by the CPU.

Graphics cards are designed to show what the game engine tells them to, and do so how the engine tells them to do it. They generally don't make a big difference to in-game visibility unless they have hardware or driver bugs that cause incorrect rendering.

Newer games may have more advanced graphics engines that have features not visible on older cards, though.

If you mainly want to see planes more easily, set landscape detail and lighting lower - the dots become more visible against the smoother, less cluttered background.
A lower resolution will also help by making the dots bigger relative to the background.
Finally, turn off AntiAliasing, as this will cause the dots to blend into the overall scene more.

This all makes the game less 'pretty', but will make planes easier to spot (and the game will probably run smoother too).


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